
JavaScript -> Objekty -> String -> metóda charAt




Príkaz jazyka JavaScript
Vraci znak specifikovaneho index.

Znaky v retezci jsou indexovany zleva doprava. Index prvniho znaku je 0 a index posledniho znaku je jmeno_string.length - 1. Pokud je index, ktery dosadite, mimo rozsah, JavaScript vraci prazdny retezec.


var anyString="Brave new world"

document.write("The character at index 0 is " + anyString.charAt(0))
document.write("<br>The character at index 1 is " + anyString.charAt(1))
document.write("<br>The character at index 2 is " + anyString.charAt(2))
document.write("<br>The character at index 3 is " + anyString.charAt(3))
document.write("<br>The character at index 4 is " + anyString.charAt(4))

Príklad vypíše:
The character at index 0 is B
The character at index 1 is r
The character at index 2 is a
The character at index 3 is v
The character at index 4 is e