


int gzwrite ( resource zp, string string [, int length] )


Príkaz jazyka PHP
Binary-safe gz-file write

  • zp - The gz-file pointer. It must be valid, and must point to a file successfully opened by gzopen().
  • string - The string to write.
  • length - The number of uncompressed bytes to write. If supplied, writing will stop after length (uncompressed) bytes have been written or the end of string is reached, whichever comes first.

Poznámka: Note that if the length argument is given, then the magic_quotes_runtime configuration option will be ignored and no slashes will be stripped from string.

Returns the number of (uncompressed) bytes written to the given gz-file stream.


$string = 'Some information to compress';
$gz = gzopen('somefile.gz','w9');
gzwrite($gz, $string);

Pozri aj

gzread, gzopen

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